All-On-Four Implant Dentures, Precision and Beauty

senior woman enjoying all-on-four implant denturesIf you feel like tooth loss has ruined your 2017 – let 2018 be the year you achieve a new and improved smile with All-on-Four implant dentures. This implant system provides a quicker and more affordable approach to traditional dental implants, and better results than conventional dentures.

While we know tooth loss can be challenging, innovative dental technology has made replacing missing teeth easier than ever. All it takes is setting up an appointment with a trustworthy and experienced implant dentist, such as Dr. Denes, equipped with the latest dental technology to get you started on your brand-new smile. To schedule your appointment, please contact our Fresno, CA dental office today online or by calling 559-297-1294.

What Are All-On-Four Implant Dentures?

All-on-Four is an innovative and unique implant system that can support a full arch denture with just four dental implants. All-on-Four dentures use strategic implant design and placement to create a lasting effect. Traditionally, an implant denture requires the support of at least six to eight implants. But All-on-Four implants are able to deliver adequate support because of the way they are positioned in the jaw. The front two implants are inserted straight, much like traditional implants, but the two posterior implant are inserted at a 45-degree angle to utilize available bone. This provides patients with poor bone density the opportunity to qualify for dental implants without having to undergo an additional costly and complex bone grafting procedure.

Why Do They Make a Great Investment?

If you have relatively good oral health and a functioning immune system, you are considered a good candidate for All-on-Four implant dentures. Nobel Biocare® created this revolutionary implant system in 1998 to provide an immediate and affordable dental implant tooth replacement solution. They also provided it for patients who wanted a shorter treatment timeline and to avoid complex oral surgeries. You may enjoy All-on-Four implant dentures if you:

  • Are unable to qualify for traditional dental implants
  • Have poor jawbone density
  • Want to avoid bone grafting or sinus lift surgery
  • Have complete tooth loss in your upper and/or lower jaw
  • Do not smoke
  • Are currently wearing, but dissatisfied with conventional dentures

With All-on-Four implant dentures, you can enjoy:

  • Immediate and lasting results – in most cases, the denture can be placed the same day as your implant procedure, and when properly cared for can last you a lifetime. Dr. Denes uses state-of-the-art digital scanning technology to deliver optimal implant placement.
  • Quick recovery – since the implants are tilted, they are able to bond with the bone faster and bone grafting is unnecessary.
  • Lower treatment costs – compared to traditional dental implants.
  • Attractive, aesthetically pleasing smile – your denture will be customized to your mouth, and once secured, deliver realistic and attractive results. Unless you share the news, no one will be able to tell you are wearing dentures.
  • Better dental function – your denture can improve your ability to speak, chew, and perform basic daily dental functions. You never have to worry about it slipping out of place when dining with friends.
  • Improved self-confidence and oral health – by investing in restoring your smile with All-on-Four implant dentures, you are also investing in your emotional wellbeing and physical health. You will not only look better, but feel better overall. How much is your self-confidence and oral health worth to you?

Restore Your Smile with All-on-Four

Let 2018 be the year you invest in a new and improved smile. Contact our Fresno, CA office today to learn more about All-on-Four implant dentures. You can reach us online or by calling 559-297-1294.

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